Saturday, September 30, 2017

Camping & General Conference 2017

This General Conference was definitely memorable! 
We went camping in Spanish Fork and watched General Conference on the Ipad. Mom and Dad came up on Friday night and slept over and we had a great time sitting around the fire. 

Trayco and I, stayed for the rest of the weekend and had a grand ole time, except for our flat air mattress and cleaning up camp in the rain. The trees were starting to change and everything was beautiful. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Springville Sunset

Our condo is surrounded by corn fields and it 
makes the prettiest backdrop for the sunset each night. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


Trayco had the opportunity to go to Texas with EDGE to help with the hurricane clean-up. All of the managers loaded up into two RV's and drove the long drive to Texas. They spent 3 days gutting people's houses. He said it was extremely humbling to be there after the "spotlight" of the news and media had passed. Everything that is still standing is full of mold and rats, so they had to gut houses back to the frame.  The lady that EDGE coordinated with said they would only be able to do 2 houses per day but they were able to do 4-8 a day and help many families. We are grateful to be apart of a company the lifts and blesses the lives of others.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Edge Banquet 2017

Every year Edge holds a black tie event for all of the salesmen and their wives. This year was especially fun because Trayco was honored on stage 4 different times! He finished number 4 in the company for accounts sold, managed the top office, had the top two rookies in his office, and won the trip to Disneyland for the Amazing Race Incentive. 

I'm so proud of Trayco and his accomplishments this summer. 
We are very blessed to be apart of Edge and are grateful to work with such great people. 

The top office is awarded "The Cup" and all of their names are engraved on it. 
It is a pretty big deal and the guys had fun posing for their photo shoot. 

Tylen, The Black Mamba 

Tucker, AKA Tuckle Berry Finn

King James 

Dan the Man

Lauren and Weston 

If you ever wanted to know what Trayco would look like as a cartoon, here you go...

Saturday, September 16, 2017

BYU Football & Szabo Day

Edge sponsors BYU and they gave Trayco
 the season tickets for the Wisconsin game. 
The game was awful and BYU didn't stand
 a chance but the seats and food were good! 

We left at half time for the 
second annual Szabo Day. 
We had a picnic up Spanish Fork canyon, 
then played volleyball and made s'mores. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

What a summer!

This summer has been so good to us! Trayco did an amazing job managing his office. So much so that they are the top office in the company! The summer is so difficult but so rewarding. We always come out on top even though there are so many hard days. I was dubbed as the office mom with the nickname of Mother Molly. We have LOVED living in Colorado Springs! 

^Our 5th place living together since we've been married. 

^Every year I make an incentive poster for Trayco. He put a circle up for every sale that he got and earned incentives along the way including, a sound bar, dinner at Ruth's Chris, sunglasses, cuff links, and a whole bunch of other things that he wanted! 

Highlights of the summer: 

-Being the first ones to arrive means that we get to help everyone else on the team move in. We helped over ten people move in!

-switching our couch and mattress out of people's apartments before they got here

-Pueblo Viejo, our favorite Mexican Restaurant 

-having Drew out here with us this summer

-Saturday night date nights

-Dinner goals

-Sunday Drives to Elizabeth

-Learning to live without a washer and dryer in our apartment 

-lots of late nights for Trayco

-Weekly planning meetings with Tylen and Jensen

-Becoming the top office in the company with a team full of rookies

-Our nightly episode of Seinfield

-Sabra getting home

-Mom and Jamie coming to visit

-Austin and Jamie coming to visit

-Our primary class

-Many many trips to the airport 

-Doing Fitness Blender workouts everyday