Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Trayco and I, read a talk together that led us to take on a challenge and only say prayers of gratitude for two weeks.

"After months of praying for help, I began thinking of ways to pray more fervently. The Spirit brought to my mind counsel from priesthood leaders and scriptures that taught the importance of expressing gratitude to Heavenly Father. These promptings helped me realize that I needed to express deeper appreciation for my blessings and ask less for the things my family and I needed. I decided that I would try for one week to let go of my daily pleadings and express only gratitude in my prayers."
-Christie Skrinak "My Prayers of Gratitude" Sept 2013 Ensign

For two weeks we have been studying Gratitude and have only been expressing thankful prayers.

At first it was hard not to ask Heavenly Father to 

"keep Trayco safe and help him to have a good day" or to 

"please protect my brother in Albania and guide him to those that are prepared." 

Instead of asking it has been an act of faith to say 

"I'm grateful Thou will watch over my husband" and 
"Thank you for blessing Elder Szabo with a portion of Thy spirit to bless Thy children in Tirana" 

My faith has increased as I have watched day in and day out as Heavenly Father has blesses us and acknowledge our prayers of gratitude.

"The thankful heart opens our eyes to a 
multitude of blessings that continually surround us."
 -Elder James E. Faust "Gratitude As a Saving Principle"

Our new family motto:

"My newfound testimony of gratitude 
is that it inspires humility, 
humility encourages faith, 
and faith brings miracles."
-Christie Skrinak 

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