On our way down to Las Vegas we ate lunch in
Cedar City and drove by the temple site.
It is looking pretty good!
(Estimated to be completed in late 2017)
We then went to the St. George Temple and did sealing's
I love how white the St. George Temple is!
And how ironic that we finished our temple tour
in the first temple built in Utah
I have had the opportunity to do the work
for one of Trayco's ancestor, Mary Ann Ginther.
We were able to seal her to her parents and to her husband
in the St. George Temple!
It has been such a neat experience doing her
ordinances from the baptism to the sealing.
The sealing rooms are on the top floor and it was
SO hot! Me and Trayco were both sweating so bad.
We brought five sealing's to do and they asked us
to do 12 others. I seriously thought I was
going to pass out.
St. George Temple Facts:
The St. George Utah Temple is the oldest operating
temple of the Church and was the first built in Utah
The St. George Utah Temple is the only temple
completed during Brigham Young's
30-year tenure as president of the Church.
With a total of 18 sealing rooms
(not all are in active use),
the St. George Utah Temple has more sealing rooms
than any other temple in the Church.
The St. George Temple was privately dedicated
on January 1, 1877,
in a series of three dedicatory prayers: t
he baptistry by Wilford Woodruff,
the main floor by Erastus Snow,
and the sealing room by Brigham Young, Jr.
The St. George Utah Temple is the first temple
where endowments for the dead were performed.
The Founding Fathers of the United States of America
appeared twice to Wilford Woodruff
in the St. George Temple
asking why their temple work had yet not
been performed on their behalves.
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